Friday 30 January 2009

Season 5 of The Greatest TV show ever.

LOST. so far season five has brought us three terrific episodes. each better and more gloriously mindblowing than the last. because you left, the lie and jughead. oceanic 6, hurley and desmond centric episodes respectivally. but in my opinion none of these characters have proved to be the most interesting in this oh so glorious penultimate season of Lost. Mr. Daniel Faraday. fuck doctor who, this guy is the REAL time lord, with an understanding of everything from hydrogen bombs to wooing firey red heads. he is definetly some kind of super amazing jedi. either way from infiltrating the orchid to confessing his long assumed love for charlotte he has been a splendid character. and he always wears that tie. classic.

ah, not since arzt and the mercenaries attack have we seen such a glorious red shirt moment than when the long elusive frogurt turned up, complained and was promptly fire arrowed in the chest, splendid. there goes all those guys who thought he was jacob...d'oh.

Ms. Hawking is Faraday's Mum. and i reckon Ellie, who faraday said looked "familiar" is that very Ms. Hawking. also something we have expected to be true for quite some time has finally been confirmed. CHARLES WIDMORE WAS ON THE ISLAND. moohaahaa. epic. i loved that "thing he can knows this island better than me moment." oh you do not know the power of the JOHN LOCKE.

Desmond and Penny called their son Charlie.cutest thing i've ever heard. i loved how it was such a throw away line as well. nothing major was made of it, just slipped in. beautiful.

ben's task seems to be getting harder and harder, what with a murderous sun, a running kate and an arrested hurley. should be quite the task getting them all back to the island. jack seems keen though even going so far as to shave off that mammoth mo fo of a beard. pimpin'.

and mega hahaha at "why is there a dead pakistani on my sofa?!?" classic, i love hurley's mum, she seems really cool. totally at ease with the whole murder, arrest, avenge and crazy island story. i personally was very impressed with how quickly hurley was able to consice 108 days of mental island ness. impressive. took me like 2 hours to explain it to some friends. :-S

i love my shih tzu. also it makes me feel very very l33t when i notice proper lost fan easter egg stuff. like the "I love my wire haired" t shirt is a picture of jack bender's dog. cool or what.

i do feel as well that things are starting to get more sensical. i knew eventually it'd happen, but it seems to me that the writers now have a very specific path ahead of them, which as a lost fanatic fills me with encouragement. phew.

also as much as she's annoyed me, i hope charlotte doesn't do a minkowski on us.i mean she makes faraday so happy and a happy faraday is a happy me. nuke on the island. i'm thinking swan or tempest station.

in the picture, check how chilled faraday looks. i think he's jacob, he knows shit.

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