Sunday 7 September 2008

a lament for Charlie Pace (and other Lost thoughts)

i f**kin' love Lost. not metaphorical "oh i'd well love some tea right now" love, but full on "you want my toes? you got it!" love. & as a result it controls my decisions slightly. "sam wanna go play pool?" "no Lost is on, our friendship cannot withstand it's pearly bonds." irrationality thy name is lost, and i love it for that. 4 8 15 16 23 42.

today at like 10ish i started watching "Planet Terror" even before it began i was like, "i dunno if i wanna watch a film" but i pushed on regardless, then Sayid came on the screen and demanded some man's balls, he got them. and i was like "y'know whats awesome? Lost." then jeff fahey came on screen and i was like "season 4 of lost was pretty dope" and so i was decided that "Planet Terror" deserved my full un-divided attention, the last thing i want to do is anger robert rodriquez (and bruce mother f**kin' willis) so i switched it off and slapped in a DVD of Lost, Season Three Disc Six Episodes 21, 22 and 23. (Greatest Hits and Through the Looking Glass Parts 1&2) warning: major Lost spoilers ahead (if you ain't seen season 3) now as any discerning Lost fan knows, the loveable manc Charlie Pace died, heroically and emotionally, at the end of season 3, so for 13 f**kin' episodes (excluding the Hurley vision) i (and all Lost fans) have been sans Mr.Pace, and in re-watching these episodes, pre-death, i realise just how much i miss Charlie, he was a delight. funny, insightful, vulnerable, loveable and english. and the love of his life Claire hasn't been the same since his untimely passing. i mean Claire's ace, but she's cut up, as we all are, about Charlie's passing. he always made me smile even in the most dire of circumstances and his ultimate buddy partnership with Hurley was destined for greatness. sadly twas cut short, i always maintain that the ultimate flash forward would be them two taking down a corrupt government from the outside with brute force, flair and hilarious puns, but alas...he truly was a joy to watch. and his relationship with turnip head (aaron) was too f**kin' cute. we are worse for having lost him, and anyone who didn't like him "f**kin' Lost Iniative f**ks" are idiots, actual idiots.
also Karl and Alex were taken before their time, their love was wonderful, they were destined for superhero greatness, like Susan Storm and Mr Fantastic but without Jessica Alba and not a bit poor (like the film, not the comics)

i will defend Lost to the end. any silly complaints about anything Lost related will be met with me....swiftly.
Charlie Pace was a Hero, and not in the s**tty "Heroes" sense.
1979 - 2004
(in Lost terms)

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