Monday 25 May 2009

i'm a geek. a geek that gets distracted. [i s and of with]

He, Jeremy Bentham, [i]s Our You Because the Leader is Dead. The Little Prince Like[s] it Hoth! Whatever you left is The Incident. Death and Death Follow The Lie. This Place of Namaste, the Variable, [and] The Life [of] Lafleur Happened with Jughead, Happened [with] Some 316 Dead.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Curiosity killed the Smoliver.

i am, by my very nature, a very curious person. it's like the age old fact of life that if someone says "don't think of a black cat" you will instantly think of a black cat. same by if someone says "don't look at this, it's awful" you will look.

this happened to me recently. it was awful. and i regret it, to this very day. i was in the library and someone had left their laptop on. and the interent connected. so rather than focus on my work i choose to watch some videos on youtube. as you do. a good friend of mine suggested to me some videos. they were funny, i enjoyed them. i'm not gonna lie i lol'ed. also listenend to some classic tunes. (alexisonfire - young cardinals. treat your ears.) and then he said "oh. when she gets back, put jarsquatter on..." naturally i asked what it was, he said "you don't want to know. it's awful"

i was going to put it on, but a library is a decent place and whilst it is ok from time to time to speak loudly it is most definetly not ok to put things on other folks computers that have been actively described as "awful". so i didn't, i revised. or tried to.

that evening. i had a few drinks and got a leetle bit tipsy. came home and looged on to the old firefox. curiosity kicked in. what was this video, what did it entail? i though "whats the worse thing that could happen?" so in my drunken curious state, i watched it. ye gads. it is truly awful. truly awful. when i closed my eyes, i saw it in my mind's eye. harrowing.

now another thing has been mentioned to me, the pain olympics, i'm not going to lie.
curiosity is kicking in...

i just don't want to feel ill again. i get that enough when i go into our shower...

it's a good thing i'm only drinking relentless. at the moment.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

picnic table bear.

this is a picnic table bear.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

BJL. a status adventure.

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver is utterly fascinated by the man sitting opposite him in the library.Sun 19:37

Robert Frank Stead likes this.

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver is disappointed. the man sitting opposite him now is boring and completely un-fascinating.Mon 0:48

Bill King at 01:09 on 11 May
You sitting opposite a mirror? BOOOOOM! You just got Sunday schooled!

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver is terrified. the girl opposite him in the library has mad eyes.Mon 18:26

Alys Peacock at 00:57 on 12 May
god sam, stop stalking everyone in your library and do some work!! :). x

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver is perplexed. mad eyes girl has a man friend who seems intent on "taking her" in the library.Mon 19:17

Teresa Passmore at 19:27 on 11 May
stop stalking people that happen to be in the library and make some real friends!
get on with your work BOZO!!

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver has rid himself of the McShakes and is back to People Watching in the Library. I suspect the two girls opposite me of harbouring an unspoken loathing for one another. Mon 01:07

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver - a free Lucozade bottle. a lovely looking chap in a "Killers" t-shirt and two jocks rating girls on facebook. another fun evening in the library. 18:12

Fiona Darling at 18:16 on 12 May
i love your life.

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver - lucozade bottle working out fantastically. jocks still rating people on facebook however the "lovely" chap in the "Killers" t-shirt is a knob, he pushed past this lady and said "F**k you." to her. the library is a lie. 18:19

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver seems to be sitting opposite a jock's "let's do work" convention. obviously by "do work" i mean girl rating on facebook. madness. the 4th floor has let me down.19:30

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver is concerned that the computer next to him has gone all "Mary Celeste" is an invisible man working next to me? also i am now concerned that my people watching may be coming full circle. how do i know no one is watching my every move. 20:32pm. paranoia has set in.20:32

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver is now convinced that someone is writing about him. also it appears that the girl opposite him is either a sufferer of split personality disorder or is having a religious experience. 00:26am. it's getting weird.00:27

Samuel Lannacombe Oliver - my lucozade bottle is making me ill. it's like a ghost town in here. i can't feel my left foot. the people around me are making noise fit for an army. i keep getting blurry vision. i have to be up soon. and i can't finish my script (despite having passed the 20,000 words mark). 01:24am. we have just lost cabin pressure.2 minutes ago